About RealGeopolitik

Our Purpose

The world is a complicated place.  The news we read and watch informs us and often entertains us, but it rarely helps us understand what is going on around us.  RealGeopolitik is designed to fill that gap.

It exists to help you understand the world around you in a way that ordinary news all too often fails to do. People often refer to the “big picture.” Seeing a wider picture is important, and widening one’s view certainly helps provide a better understanding of events, but too often the dimension that is lacking is depth. This is particularly true regarding much of the leading media reports on current events, which tend to focus on the sensational aspects of news stories, rather than helping viewers understand the dynamics at work in those events.

The result is that consumers of modern media are shortchanged. It’s like eating two candy bars versus a balanced meal. One provides the nutrition and fuel for a day’s work, while the other provides a noticeable sugar rush followed by a crash, without giving you what your body needs to function well. I think you should have a source for up-to-date analysis of what’s going on in your world that goes deeper than sound bites and the typical partisan talking points.

At RealGeopolitik, I want to help you to understand the dynamics operating behind and around current events, and to make sense of them in a new way – a way that is based in the realities of the world we live in, not one that is shaped by the needs of a marketing department, society’s thirst for sensational but inconsequential stories, or an ideological movement. My goal is not to promote any particular policy or political agenda, but to help every one of my readers – of every political persuasion – to easily grasp the reasons behind what’s going on in the world today with new depth and practical simplicity.

If you leave the site and think, “I never knew that – now it makes sense to me” or “I feel like now my opinions are so much better informed,” then I’m succeeding in that mission.  That is the goal, and I hope you’ll join me and your fellow readers on the way – I guarantee you’ll be glad you did.  I would also love your feedback on the work done here – let me know your thoughts anytime by dropping a line at feedback@RealGeopolitik.com.

Side note for the etymologically inclined:  While the name RealGeopolitik is an unabashed play on the word realpolitik, it should not be taken as being either synonymous with or in derogation of that concept.  It has no relation to the late 19th/early 20th century German concept of geopolitik. I may be a little wonkish, but I’m not really that highfalutin.

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