When the Nation Gets Crazy, I Need to Get Back to Basics

Welcome back! It’s been a long time since I’ve published, but there has been lot going on in the world and behind the curtain here at RealGeopolitik.  In addition to doing some work in Jordan, I’ve engaged in an absurd number of hours studying and analyzing the 2016 election run-up and results – and as those who know me would suspect, just as many hours writing and discussing the impact both pre-November and post-January events will have on the world at large.  Some of that should be making its way to the blog soon – probably starting with some of my writing/prior predictions on the Syrian situation, as well as analysis of the domestic divide between Middle America and Muslims here and abroad.

For a good while, the time I liked to spend writing has been devoured by prolific amounts of work at my regular job.  It’s been fun, but left too little time for getting things moving along here at the steady speed I want to be at.  With some additional behind the scenes admin work and steps taken to professionalize the site a bit more (Who has time to learn code – seriously?), I’m looking forward to more regular offerings for you all.  God knows I don’t lack material to write about these days, so now with my primary work leveling out a bit, I’m excited to get back to doing what I love in geopolitics and hopefully inject some reason into the mix (and building the brand here).  I will also be introducing a regular column, inspired by the old old school discourse and politicking method employed the Founders…the pamphlet.  With a tip of the hat to Alexander Hamilton and Lin-Manuel Miranda, I will be offering a recurring column called The Trump Pamphlet. Hopefully it will have you asking your friends #haveyoureadthis?

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