Prediction: The New Arithmetic

We’re ten weeks into the Trump administration, and we already have the first guy (General Michael Flynn) trying to strike an immunity deal. Here’s my prediction: The probability of the Democrats having a two to four-term run at the White House is directly proportionate to the length of time from the inauguration to the moment when the majority of the GOP stops defending the President’s illegal, unethical, and immoral novelties, divided by four years.  We’ll eventually find out whether Republican elected officials are better at short-sightedness or self-preservation based on how soon they figure out this reality.  I hope, for the sake of American conservatism, that it’s not long – but I’m not optimistic.  Power doesn’t just corrupt, it blinds.  And when even my most progressive friends are telling me they are concerned that our governing systems will suffer from the lack of a viable opposition party once Trump is out of office, I must say that I fear they may be right.

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