Welcome back! It’s been a long time since I’ve published, but there has been lot going on in the world and behind the curtain here at RealGeopolitik. In addition to doing some work in Jordan, I’ve engaged in an absurd…
How much money would you wager that your facts are correct?
A very interesting study indicates that otherwise dogmatic people seem far less convinced of the accuracy their factual beliefs when money is at stake. A short piece worth much consideration is here.
Food for Thought for Those Who Don’t Like an Uber-Partisan Nation
Most of us have at least one issue about which we feel so strongly that it will often sap reason from our discourse on it. In light of that fact, the following paraphrase from Bloomberg’s Megan McArdle is worth consideration…
Here’s Why Your Friends Say Crazy Things Online
You know what I’m talking about. You know exactly who the offenders are in your Facebook feed. You have friends who like to talk about or post things on politics, religion, or nearly anything else. And you can’t believe how…
Does ISIS Threaten the United States? – The Second of a Series
Cable television is flush with chatter about a potential terrorist threat from ISIS. But put down the remote for a moment and consider this: Contrary to what many in the news are saying, ISIS is not an international terrorist organization…
Does ISIS Threaten the United States? – The First of a Series
The last few months have seen a lot of media chatter about ISIS, the Salafist Muslim extremist group that has taken over large portions of Iraq and Syria. Since ISIS beheaded two American journalists a few weeks ago, the volume…